The Wells Free School has a policy that all children should wear the school uniform; this helps to create a sense of community and identifies everyone as belonging to the school. We have a winter and summer uniform.
It is important to us that the cost of uniform is kept to a reasonable amount and that parents should have the choice of where to purchase their uniform. We have therefore kept our items with logos to an absolute minimum.
For health and safety reasons we ask that earrings are limited to small studs that can be removed independently for PE sessions and that long hair is tied back daily. Large distracting headpieces are not part of our school uniform and should not be worn. On PE days, children can come into school in their PE kit.
Where to buy
Most items are available from high street retailers and supermarkets. Items marked * are available from Phillips Man's shop The Wells Free School (phillips-mans-shops.co.uk). If you are unsure about what size to order for your child, please get in touch as we have samples of each size at school. Items marked ** are available from school.Second-Hand Uniform
The PFA has a huge variety of really good quality second-hand uniform at a great price.Reception Children
All new Reception children will be given a tie during a special Wells Wonder Assembly on Founders’ Day (usually at the end of term 1). Please do not order a tie as they are assigned by the school according to which House your child has been allocated to.
All Reception children can wear the summer uniform at the start of term 1 as we have found that polo shirts are better at the beginning of the year. White shirts and ties/TWFS long sleeved polo shirts are worn in terms 2, 3 and 4.
How to order ties, sunhats and book bags (old style)
Please order via the school shop on Arbor.
Phillips Man's Uniform Price List
If you have any problems please email us or call us on 01892 739075.
Sleeveless Jumpers
Winter Uniform
Our three different ties in house colours
Yellow - Dunorlan House
Red - Grosvenor House
Green - Calverley House
Summer Hats