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The Wells Free School

Absence and Lateness

The school target for attendance is 96.5% minimum, or no more than 6 days authorised absence per school year. Below this level, your child will miss out on teaching and be less prepared for future lessons when they return.

If there is any specific issue that makes attendance difficult please speak to either your child’s class teacher or one of the senior leadership team.


If your child is ill, we need to be informed by 8.30am, on the first day of absence. Otherwise, the school will mark the absence as unauthorised. Absences can be reported to the school office by either ringing the school and leaving a message or emailing the school office. Parents should regularly update the school and inform the school when their child is returning.

School Office - 01892 739075


Vomiting and Diarrhoea

If your child has vomiting and diarrhoea they must not return to school within 48 hours since the last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. If your child has vomited at school, they should not return the following day.

Communicable diseases

Please let the school know immediately if your child has contracted or come in contact with any communicable diseases.

Medical Information for Parents

Please click here to see if your child is too ill for school and for some useful advice about common childhood illnesses and ways to support you at home. If your child needs to have medicine administered at school, you will need to complete our medicine permission form.

Late for school

At The Wells Free School the register is taken at 8:00 am and 12:30 pm. The playground gate closes at 8:00 am. Pupils arriving after this time must enter school by the main entrance and report to Reception where parents/carers need to record their name and the reason for lateness.  The pupil will be marked as late before registration has closed (Code ‘L’).

The register will close at 8:10 am and 12.40 pm. Pupils arriving after the register has closed will be marked as late after registration (Code 'U') and this will count as an unauthorised absence for the entire session (morning or afternoon).

Frequent lateness after the register has closed will be discussed with parents and could provide grounds for prosecution or a Penalty Notice.

Request for Absence

Applications for a leave of absence must be made to the Head Teacher on the school’s Leave of Absence Form, who will look carefully at why leave of absence is requested and the impact on the child’s education. Please refer to our Attendance Policy which outlines when a request of absence will be authorised as an exceptional circumstance.