House System
The children are assigned to House groups which are named after three local parks:
Children in Calverley House wear a school tie with a green stripe.
Calverley House Captains for 2024-2025 are Max and Sofia.
Children in Grosvenor House wear a school tie with a red stripe.
Grosvenor House Captains for 2024-2025 are Finlay and Layla
Children in Dunorlan House wear a school tie with a yellow stripe.
Dunorlan House Captains for 2024-2025 are Hala and Ibrahim
A variety of inter-House competitions take place across the year, alongside a House point system which rewards outstanding behaviour, work or achievement by individuals and groups.
Termly House Buttons Winners
Congratulations to Grosvenor for winning the most house buttons in the Autumn term. They enjoyed a film afternoon as their reward for all their hard work
Sports Day Results 2024
Dunorlan – 496 Points
Calverley – 498 Points
Grosvenor – 500 Points
Congratulations to Grosvenor House on winning the sports shield this year.
school council
Our School Council is a body of children who represent the views of our pupils to the Senior Leadership Team and the School Governing body. Children from each Year Group are chosen to represent their year from Year 1 up to Year 6.
The 2024-2025 School Council members are:
Seacole Class: Margot, Jeremiah and Ridhansh
Jenner Class: Aria, Josh and Ethan G
Lister Class: Hazel, Jude and Nicole
Cavell Class: Tommy S, Izzy and Aleta
Garrett Class: Harvey, Barnaby, Shaarvi and Artemis
Bannister Class: Hannah, Liz, William A and Amy
The School Council also represent us within the community. This academic year the school council have completed the following activities:
Term 1 2024: Harvest food collection for Nourish
Term 3 2025: Meet with Cripps to learn about fundraising for our school charity.
Last academic year they undertook the following community activities:
The Common – Pond Investigation and tidy, Harvest food collection for Nourish, The Common - Identifying plants and mushrooms, The Amelia Scott - Creating book reviews for the children's library, The Amelia Scott - Organising book review displays, The Common - Follow-up pond investigation and clearing debris and Cripps - Experiencing how a business runs.