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The Wells Free School

School Lunches

We are delighted to be able to offer the children hot school dinners provided by Edwards and Ward. Edwards and Ward cook all meals on site using only fresh ingredients providing fresh, nutritious and healthy lunches to pupils and staff at school. As part of the school's founding principles, we request that all children have a hot school dinner and that parents support this initiative. This is funded by the government up to the end of Year 2 (ages 6-7).

Edwards and Ward can cater for a wide range of food allergies. There is always a vegetarian option, with fresh fruit and water readily available. The lunchtime staff are also very experienced in encouraging the children to try new foods even though they may not be their favourite

We ask that all parents order their child's lunches via your Arbor account by 8.30am on the day of the meal being taken. If you would like pay or credit your account for school lunches please click here

Food Allergies

If your child has a food allergy please register with Edwards and Ward

Register a Special Diet with Edwards and Ward

Spring / Summer Menu 

lunch menu.pdf

Free School Meals

The school receives additional funding to support those children who may be eligible for a free school meals. Please visit our Free School Meals and Pupil Premium pages for more information and how to apply.

In order for the school to receive this additional funding to support these pupils it is essential that parents who feel they are eligible to claim for free school meals for their children still do so even if the children are in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2. Without claiming for this the school will not receive the additional Pupil Premium funding and those pupils will miss out on additional funding that they are entitled to.