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The Wells Free School

Classroom Organisation

We have one class per year group. Each new academic year, the school will accept up to 30 children in its Reception class in order to accommodate local need. Our classes are named after famous historical medical characters to reflect our location, based as we are on the site of the old Kent and Sussex Hospital.

For much of the time, pupils learn in their classes with their class teacher. However, our teachers carefully plan the lessons to ensure all children are successful in their learning. This means that some children will need additional support to achieve the lesson's objectives whilst other children will be learning at a greater depth. All our children are challenged to achieve the very best outcomes. 

Children are given access to a range of challenging activities, appropriate to their starting points. The teacher decides which children will need additional support or challenge, and plans their own involvement and intervention accordingly. A Teaching Partner may also be assigned to work with an individual or small group of children. Resources (or manipulatives) are also used to both support and extend learning. This helps to ensure that all our pupils get the best possible learning opportunities at a level appropriate to their own, individual needs.

There are a number of enrichment opportunities planned throughout the term for the children in the school to work collaboratively and experience real-life situations.